Standard Function
Standard functions are general use functions used by contributors to build a page and make it dynamic. These are functions that can be used to set the page tags, add a title, or drop in a glossary based on some search terms.
- A
- AppVersion - Displays the wiki engine version.
- Attachments - Lists the attached files associated with a page.
- B
- BR - Inserts one or more line-breaks into the wiki body.
- C
- E
- EditLink - Insert a link to quickly edit the page.
- F
- File - Insert file download links into the wiki body.
- G
- Get - Get wiki page variable value.
- H
- HR - Inserts a horizontal rule (divider) into the wiki bosy.
- I
- Image - Display images in the wiki body.
- Include - Inserts the processed wiki body of one page into the calling page.
- Inject - Inserts the un-processed wiki body of one page into the calling page.
- L
- LastModified - Displays the modified date/time of the page.
- N
- Name - Displays the pages name.
- Namespace - Displays the namespace of the wiki page.
- NamespaceGlossary - Create a glossary from of pages in specified namespaces.
- NamespaceList - Create a list of pages from specified namespaces.
- Namespaces - Using and creating namespaces to logically group pages in the wiki.
- Navigation - Diaplys the URL friendly navigation name of a page.
- P
- ProfileGlossary - Displays a glossary of all active users with links to their public profiles.
- ProfileList - Displays a list of all active users with links to their public profiles.
- R
- RecentlyModified - Display a list of recently modified wiki pages.
- Related - Create a list of related pages based on incoming links.
- Revisions - Displays the revision history of a page.
- S
- SearchCloud - Create a cloud of pages from a search of wiki body contents.
- SearchList - Create a list from a search of wiki body contents.
- Seq - Automatically create a numbered sequence on a page.
- Set - Set wiki page variable value.
- Similar - Create a list of similar pages based on tag similarities.
- SiteName - Displays the name of the configured site.
- Snippet - Injects the value of a previously defined snippet variable.
- T
- TagCloud - Create a tag cloud from a seed tag.
- TagGlossary - Create a glossary from a search of specified tags.
- TagList - Create a list of pages from a search of page tags.
- Tags (Standard Function) - Display the tags associated with the page.
- TextGlossary - Create a glossary from a search of wiki body contens.
- Title (Standard Function) - Displays the title of the wiki page in title format.
- TOC - Generate a table-of-contents for a page from the headings.
- HideFooterComments Instruction - Processing instruction indicating that the should not display comments at the bottom regardless of the system settings.
- HR - Inserts a horizontal rule (divider) into the wiki bosy.
- Image - Display images in the wiki body.
- Include - Inserts the processed wiki body of one page into the calling page.
- Include Instruction - Processing instruction indicating the page is an include and not a while page.
- Inject - Inserts the un-processed wiki body of one page into the calling page.
- Instruction Function - Instructions that tell the wiki engine how to process a page.
- Jumbotron - Large grey box good for calling attention in a non-critical way.
- LastModified - Displays the modified date/time of the page.
- Links - Linking between wiki pages and external content.