
When editing a page you can attach images. The images are stored with and managed on the page for which they are attached. Displaying these images is straightforward with some flexibility for the way they are displayed.
While the files and images are attached to a single page, they can also be referenced on one page from another.

##Image(string [name], integer {scale}, string {altText})


Attached Images
Displaying an image that is attached to the page:
##Image(TightWiki Logo.png)

Displaying an image that is attached to the page scaled to 25%:
##Image(TightWiki Logo.png, 25)

Displaying an image that is attached to the page scaled to 25% with an alternate caption
##Image(TightWiki Logo.png, 25, The image caption)

Images from other pages
Displaying an image that is attached to another page:
##Image(Some other Page/TightWiki Logo.png)

Direct Reference
You can directly reference a page attached image:

See Also
Function Calling Convention
Scope Function
Instruction Function
Standard Function
